KESATU Kelulut

Project Kelulut is one of KESATU’s initiative to raise fund to support its economic and welfare activities.
Kesatuan Kakitangan Sokongan Satu, International Islamic University Malaysia (KESATU) is a staff union registered on 18th May 2010 under the “Akta Kesatuan Sekerja 1959”.
KESATU was established in IIUM:
to ensure sustainability of good relationship between the support staff and the IIUM Management by ensuring increased in work productivity and fair remuneration package.
to manage the welfare of its members in term of social welfare, economy and education.
to organise or conduct relevant courses, dialogues, seminars for the benefits of its members
to assist its members who are facing life hardships

With the support of the Rector of IIUM, the Dean of Kulliyyah of Engineering, and the cooperation of My lqra Solution Sdn. Bhd., a company that operates at Selangor Fruit Valley, 10 kelulut logs were successfully set up in IIUM on 22hb. November 2019 .
Two (2) logs were set up at the Kulliyah of Engineering
Eight (8) logs were set up within the surrounding of Rector’s Official Resident in IIUM

Beehive at the Kulliyyah of Engineering
Beehive at the Rector’s Residence
The objectives of KESATU KELULUT project are:
To support the “Sustainable Development Goal” IIUM (SDG No.17) where Kelulut encourage the pollination of the flora within the IIUM Gombak Campus.
It also help to raise fund for KESATU’s activities
It gives good example to its members on how to raise easy and lucrative passive income.
The project provides platform for practical or hands on training to interested parties such as staff and students in IIUM
To provide opportunities for academic staff of IIUM especially at the Kulliyyah of Engineering to conduct research related to kelulut honey or bees.
To enhance ukhuwah and teamwork amongst its members.
Beehives at Mahallah Sumayyah & Mahallah Aminah >>

The first course entitle “Asas Penternakan Kelulut dan Asas Produk Hiliran” was successfully held on 12hb. December 2019. During the course, My lqra Solution Sdn.Bhd being an experience kelulut honey bee farmer possessing more than 1000 kelulut logs at Selangor Fruit Valley guided participants on the basic necessities and relevant equipment to purchase as well as where they can get them in order to start their own project.
16 members of KESATU and staff of IIUM who were interested to enhance their knowledge on Kelulut honey production participated in it.

The first production of Kelulut Honey was collected in February 2020.
The products were sold to members of KESATU, GAKUM, CUEPACS, staff of IIUM, distributed to shops around Gombak areas as well as online marketing via Facebook, Instagram and other social medium.

It is very easy to manage and occupies only small space within our home compound or orchard
The bee colony is very easy to be moved from one place to another since it is pre-packed in a box or nest, unlike to other type of farming such as chickens, goats, cows etc. that requires a big and immobile production space.
IIUM is located near to forest and green areas which enables the kelulut bees to obtain the three (3) main resources i.e. resin, damar and pollination.
The bee farmers only need to spend short time daily to manage the bees. Thus it can be a part time job.
There is no need to provide food, drinks or vaccinating the bees.
Kelulut bees farming can generate monthly income in the range of RM300 to RM600 or more depending on the number of the kelulut nests.
Its products can be sold at local market or within IIUM at the price of RM30.00 to RM40.00 perbottle of 100ml to 200ml. Propolis can be sold to cosmetic producers at the price of RM300 per kg.
The Kelulut honey is high of anti-oxidant which is of high value in medical and health sector to cure various chronic diseases including increasing metabolic rate, energy booster, assist women to recuperate after child birth, curing internal injuries and delaying aging process.
The taste is slightly sweet and sour and can immediately be consumed.
The bees gathered the resin taken from plants that produce rubber and processed it in their nest to form the propolis which could be black, yellow or dark chocolate in colour. The propolis functions asa anti-fungal, anti-fungus, anti-bacterial and anti-inflamatory.
The Royal Jelly and bee bread can be sold to local health and cosmetic producers.
Bee products have long life span, It is easy to store and highly marketable
It has high local market demand and can be marketed online through Facebook, intstagram, etc. to reach wider market.
The honey can be harvested within 3 months at every 3 weeks thereafter.
With enough natural food supply, each bee nest is able to produce between an average of 0.5 to 1.5 kilogram every 3 weeks.
Unlike the Tualang Honey which can be harvest only once a year, Kelulut honey production is throughout the year.