The project focuses on the physical and mental wellbeing beside promoting and inculcating good habits that can be initiated and practiced toward a healthy lifestyle among the campus community.

In accordance to the SDG goal under Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being in Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks, this initiatives are aimed to achieve the following goals:

  1. To create awareness and motivating IIUM community to be a healthier person mentally and physically.

  2. To lead IIUM community to achieve better happiness index.

  3. To reduce University medical bill once the health quality is improved when its community implementing healthy life style.

  4. To promote good ambience and environment to support IIUM community to embrace and make a healthy life style as part and partial of their routine and habit.

It is hoped that from this project, the University would be able to screen through individuals with related psychological concerns hence undergo appropriate intervention relevant to the issues presented in the findings. 

It is hoped that from the IIUM Sejahtera Innovation Project, the University would be able to screen through individuals with related psychological concerns hence undergo appropriate intervention relevant to the issues presented in the findings.

The team will be working closely with the offices that relate directly to the to health issue namely :

a. IIUM Health and Wellness Centre

b. Sport & Recreation Centre

c. Counselling and Career Services Centre and

d. Residential and Services Department.



The element protecting life is essential to human including the protection of health and wellness. 

Consequently, it is considered as a must for the Muslim community or individual to take care of their health which eventually will reflect the KHAIR value (khalifah, amanah, iqra’ and rahmatan lilalamin) in doing ibadah and performing the role of vicegerent of Allah SWT in this world.

As an amanah from Allah SWT appointing us a Khalifah to maintain healthy body and mind that requires us seeking knowledge and intellectual wellness. By having all these we as a Khalifah could contribute to the wellbeing of human kind.

From the results generated from the profiling as well, it could become the appropriate basis of interventions to assist the University to prepare its students for balanced graduates and promote healthy lifestyle for the staff to be psychologically well in serving the University at its best. 

Findings of the profiling is hoped to strengthen and maintain CCSC services for the IIUM community with its niche area of helping others. This platform is hoped to uphold the counselling as a center of reference for mental health and wellbeing issues in IIUM.









 It was hoped that these initiatives will motivate IIUM community to improve their health status and change them to be a healthy community by providing a supportive environment that can encourage them to do so.




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